Ep. 85 - Understanding the New Credit Models: How Borrowers Stand to Benefit
Aug 21, 2023
In the ever-evolving world of finance and credit, staying updated on the latest trends and models is paramount. If you're a borrower or buyer, recent developments in credit modeling are likely to affect you directly.
But not to worry! We’ll break down the latest shifts and illustrate how they benefit you.
The Basics: Total Debt Balance
Every financial enthusiast or expert will tell you that understanding your total debt balance is crucial. This balance is essentially a sum of various components: mortgage balances, auto balances, credit card balances, and other lines of credit you might have.
While these might sound like a lot, how they're now viewed is the game-changer. Previously, if your total debt balance was high, it was viewed negatively. Overusing credit was frowned upon.
But this balance's significance has been downplayed in the new models, especially the Vantage score. What does this mean for you? It grants you more leeway and understanding in scenarios where your debt might be a tad high.
The Fear of Credit Inquiries
Who among us hasn't hesitated about another entity pulling our credit score, fearing the impact on our overall credit?
Borrowers, for years, have been conditioned to avoid multiple credit checks because they believe it could lower their scores. But here's the good news: this myth is slowly being debunked.
In the revamped models, multiple credit checks in a short span aren't going to send your credit score plummeting. For instance, borrowers now have a 45-day window to apply for mortgages and auto loans, allowing them to shop around for the best deals without a credit score penalty. No more walking on eggshells!
The Vantage and FICO Showdown
The two giants in credit scoring, Vantage, and FICO, have often been viewed as competitors. While there are differences in their models, what's evident now is that they're focusing on more borrower-friendly metrics.
For instance, the new Vantage score 4.0 system and FICO have different weights on aspects of your financial behavior. While FICO gives a 35% weightage to payment history and 30% to the total amount you owe, Vantage score 4.0 is designed to be less punishing for certain behaviors, like high balances or credit inquiries.
For borrowers, this is a boon. It means there's a balanced view of their financial behaviors, and one model's stringent requirements won't necessarily hinder their borrowing capabilities. In essence, you're getting the best of both worlds.
The Past's Errors Being Rectified
Historically, credit reporting has had several flaws, particularly concerning medical bills and their collections. Many borrowers have faced the brunt of incorrect medical billings showing up on their reports, causing unjust dips in their scores.
However, with the advent of these new models, such instances will become rare. Incorrect medical billings, which once were the bane of many borrowers' existence, will no longer unjustly stain credit reports.
Bottom Line
Credit and its models might seem complex, but at their core, they're tools designed to help lenders gauge a borrower's financial health. As these models evolve, they become more nuanced, understanding, and borrower-friendly.
As a borrower or buyer, these changes spell more opportunities and fewer pitfalls. Whether you're looking for a new home, car, or just a line of credit, it's a great time to be in the market. Stay informed, and leverage these changes to your advantage!